Monday, April 16, 2012


This evening, the members of Patriot Singers (the top choral ensemble at Freedom) participated in a concert and Masterclass with the world-renowned choral ensemble Chanticleer.  No. Big. Deal.  For those who know about this ensemble, they are one of the most accomplished and widely recognized professional choral ensembles in the world.  They are made up of 12 men who sing all types of music from different time periods, styles and genres.  I have been a fan for years, and my kids have been obsessed with them ever since they heard their piece Cell's Planets a few months ago!

In this concert, Chanticleer performed about an hour of their current music, which was beyond words.  The different colors and sounds they were able to create with the same voices was outstanding and an illustration of what true choral artistry is.  My students could not stop talking about the entire bus ride home and I am sure they will continue to talk about it for weeks.  The impact these guys had on their singing and musicianship will be felt for quite some time.  To share with you a little bit of this, I have some videos and pics!!  Enjoy!  This is a recording of Chanticleer singing their hit Cell's Planets which is what my students got hooked on!  It is amazing!   This is the song we sang in the Masterclass before we received insight from the members of Chanticleer.  The piece is Irish Blessing.  This is the same piece, Irish Blessing, after receiving insight.  The biggest thing they commented on was diction, and I think you will notice a difference in the sound.

Patriot Singers in the Masterclass

Chanticleer in concert



This has nothing to do with Chanticleer or the Masterclass but is a picture of what happens when you put a bunch of busy high school kids through tech week in a musical!!  Good use of the time before first period!

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